Monday, February 18, 2013

I am not......

 Lately I have been down on myself because I am constantly comparing to others. I keep thinking "oh she is so much thinner than I am and she has had two kids," or "she is so much more successful with her photography business than I am" and "man she always looks so great and put together, why can't I look like that all the time."

One of my best friends and I decided for lent to stop obsessing and comparing ourselves to others and appreciate and love ourselves for exactly who we are. I have come to the realization that I am not the girl that only gains 25 pounds when I am pregnant. I gain 40. I am not the girl that in 6 weeks, 3 months or even 9 months post pregnancy am back to my "pre baby body" without having to work at it. I am also not the girl that will be claiming that I lost my baby weight just from breastfeeding and chasing my kids around the house. Nope I am not one of the lucky ones. I am not bitter towards those of you who are that way, more power to ya and you should have a million babies!

I am the one that wakes up at 5:30 every morning to get to the gym and gets in a 500 calorie burn workout to make it home by 7:00 so I can wake my kids up and start the day. I am the one that has to literally choke down smoothies with kale and spinach and other gross stuff to lose those last 10 stubborn pounds. I am also the one that now has to track my calorie intake to make sure I am not over doing it. With that being said all the hard work is starting to pay off for me. I started a fitness challenge at my gym 4 weeks ago. I typically am not a competitive person but for some reason this really got me fueled! We had our 4 week check in this past Saturday (it's an 8 week challenge) and I had dropped 5.4 lbs (putting me in the 130's which I have not seen since high school, what what!!!) and even better I have lost 6 inches so far. I was so incredibly proud of myself because along with me typically not being competitive I am also terrible about following through with things. I figured when I stepped on the scale I was going to weigh and measure the same from the beginning and then get defeated. But no!! I am making a move in the right direction!!!! Also, just because I want to brag on myself a little at this point, I had upped my plank time from 3 minutes 10 seconds to 4:00 minutes, and increased my number of sit ups, push ups and squats in a minute time frame! I mean seriously, to me, that is amazing in just 4 weeks!
Kosama Overland Park North (95th & Antioch) - Overland Park, KS

So now I just have to stay committed the next four weeks to get to my goal. I am now to the point that I really want to win or place within the competition! The best part about it is that I love love love going to KOSAMA. I love the trainers, crazily enough I love the workouts (even Mary's ridiculous 90 minute class on Saturday's), and of course the friends I have made that I see every morning at 6:00am. They don't know it but they help hold me accountable and push me to work harder every day.

I may not have it as easy as some others do when it comes to looking the way I want to. But I almost think I am luckier because otherwise I wouldn't know what it feels like to eat healthy and work hard to feel really good about myself.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous start to their Monday!!!

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