Wednesday, March 10, 2010

belly band

I am now 15 going on 16 weeks pregnant. I am still in a bit of denial that I am going to have to pack away some of my favorite clothing items and fall in to the awfulness of maternity clothes. I know there have been improvements, but all in all there is nothing sexy about maternity pants with a giant front panel. Most of my work pants are still going strong and I can still wear them, and I am not able to go up a size yet either.

Last Thursday I felt ambitious and decided to put on my every day khaki pants and belted them to the second belt hole. Yes, ideally if I never decided to sit down they could have potentially worked, but that was not the case. I have never been so incredibly comfortable and I am pretty sure baby Pluid was not very happy with me either. I was sadly tugging at my pants all day as if I could magically stretch them to grow and fit? It was awful, my stomach was cramping due to the pressure and that is when I realized that no I need to get out of denial and come to terms with the fact that my belly is bigger and to embrace it.

Due to this terrible tight khaki experience I went to Old Navy to try on some maternity khaki pants that I could hopefully get for work. OH MY GOSH were they absolutely the worst thing in the world. They hung all weird, had a giant khaki panel covering my entire stomach and the material was just yuck. I am sure a lot of the issues were because my stomach is not extremely prominent yet but still.... do we have to feel so ugly in maternity pants? Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things and a pregnant woman is just the same, beautiful! But no no no... nothing about a front panel is beautiful at all my friends.

One great compromise to invest in is the Belly Band. It is this wonderful band you can wear around the top of your jeans that covers up the top so you can leave your pants unbuttoned!! It looks just like you are wearing a camisole under your shirt and not a giant blue panel covering your tummy. There are a few different ways to wear it and you can also use it throughout all your pregnancy stages and even after as you are shrinking back down in to what we all hope to be the original size we began at! =)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

growing belly

As you can see I am slowing growing along in my pregnancy. In the last photo I am around 12 weeks pregnant and we had just gone to the Dr. and we were able to hear the little heartbeat! Unfortunately, we did not get to hear it for very long but none the less it was amazing.

So far pregnancy has been a whole new experience and mind set since the day I saw the 2 pink lines on the stick. I found out just a few days before Christmas and my ultimate goal was to surprise everyone on Christmas day. That idea made it about 5 minutes before I realized I had to tell Josh!! It was a Tuesday so we were both off work and I had made up some excuse to run to Target to grab some last minute items for Christmas. I raced to the store and found a onesie that said "Worlds Greatest Daddy" along with a sack and some tissue paper. One the way home I assembled the gift and placed the pregnancy test in with it so Josh would hopefully get my message. I was so excited yet nervous to tell him. I had him open the sack immediately as I got in the house and it took him no more than a few seconds to figure out what I was telling him! We were both so excited and of course I was in tears.If you know Josh and I at all you know that we can not keep a secret for the life of us so we told a few of our closest friends that day and waited for Christmas to surprise our families which that all ended up in tears as well!

I have been extremely lucky so far in my pregnancy, no morning sickness just the issue of being extremely fatigued from around week 5-13. I have not had much of an appetite either, nothing has sounded absolutely wonderful but nothing sounds particularly gross either so I eat because I need to, yet nothing outrageous.

The biggest thing I feel sorry that Josh has to deal with is the whole "pregnancy hormones" thing. I wear my heart on my sleeve anyway but random tears has not always been an issue for me. The other evening I was making the super classy dinner of biscuits and gravy and wanted it to be all ready for when Josh came home...I had even made the biscuits from scratch which I had never done before. Well silly me set the table and put the biscuits in a bowl and a towel over them in somewhat of a pretty presentation and went to go pick Josh up. We walked in the door and I was all smiley and proud of myself to find the bowl, towel and no biscuits on the floor in the living room. This created instant tears. Poor Josh is thinking "Ok so lets just run to the store and pick some more up, no big deal" but to me it was the end of the world!

I am now on my 14th week and feeling much more energized and definitely starting to pick up the need to eat. I think I had my first craving the other day which was for pop tarts. I have always liked pop tarts but always stayed away from them. I saw someone at work eating them a few days before and could not get them out of my mind. I would wake up and think about what flavor I wanted to buy. I do work at a place that unfortunately has all the good treats right at my fingertips so I caved in to my craving and bought a box of frosted blueberry pop tarts and boy were they delicious!!!

Ok so my ramblings are done for the evening, just thought I would catch you up on what has been going on thus far and my crazy yet fun pregnant ways.