Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Change in all things is sweet
- Aristotle

Over the 3 years of marriage and 4 years of being together, Josh and I have endured a lot of change. Some expected, some unexpected, some wanted, and some unwanted. However, through all the change it has brought us together and stronger and more in love. Although change is inevitable in everyone's lives it is really how you adapt and react to it that creates who you are. I tend to think of myself as open minded and ready to take on new adventures. Yet, I am not as quick to adapt as I would probably tell you I am. I do take time to get used to the ideas of something new (especially if it is unexpected) but altogether I always look for the positive side of things!

One of the biggest changes I had to adapt to was realizing that I was going to be a stay at home mom. This was a decision that Josh and I came to together and I am ever so grateful that I have had this opportunity. However, it was a very difficult adjustment to me. I had my first official job when I was 15 years old, worked throughout college to pay for my bills & started a career immediately after graduation. Working was something I knew, something I was good at, and something that I felt defined who I was. 99% of my friends who were already moms were in fact stay at home moms. I will admit that I was judgmental to the point of not understanding why some of them had house cleaners or went out and shopped like crazy when they were not bringing in a paycheck. A huge part of this was ignorance on my part because I obviously did not know what it was like to take care of a newborn. I also did not think about how not everyone has "a perfect baby" who sleeps on a schedule, is never sick, and does as they are told! I never realized the time and patience it was going to take to raise a little one...especially the patience it took to raise a little one who had acid reflux! Anyway, I am getting off track a bit but my point is that being a mom is a difficult job, but at the same time a very easy job. I get the chance to teach her things, I get to be the one to comfort her when she falls, I get to be the one who dances around the living room being extra silly and making her full bellied laugh all day long.

Now if you ask me if I miss my job the answer would be yes. Some of you may be surprised by this answer because my particular job I was not in love with. I did however love being responsible for projects and teaching people how to complete tasks or how to become stronger in the business world. I did obviously love bringing home a paycheck and being an equal contributor in the household. I did love all the relationships and friendships I created with those I worked with. Those are the things I miss but I would not give up one second of the time or the days that I have spent with Harper over the past year.

The other change that has been difficult for me to adjust to is the fact that in 8 days my little girl will be one year old. ONE YEAR OLD? How in the world did that happen?! She has gone from this helpless little bundle of 7lb7oz 19 1/2 in. long who could not even hold her head up to this 20lb 27 in long giant personality. She has opinions and thoughts (although they are simple) and she has the ability to melt hearts! I am so amazed that an entire year has passed by but I am so proud of the little girl she is and I think that Josh and I have done an absolutely phenomenal job raising her thus far. I can only imagine how much faster things will go when little Paxton arrives to add to the craziness. I will make sure to stop and cuddle him every moment I can because once they become mobile, the cuddling stops! I know it will come back some day with Harper but we find ourselves cherishing the sick days when she lays her head on our shoulders and is a bit more needy.

Last but not least the change that has gone along with my 3 years of marriage has been the best change of all. From my very few first initial interactions with Josh, I knew my life would be ever changed by him. There was something different about him and something different about myself with him. He made me more bold, more confident, and more in love than I had ever imagined. As each experience has been thrown our way with change, it truly has only made our marriage better. I am not saying things have always been perfect or that we have never had our down times. What I am saying is that we really do grow together more when we face a hard situation and realize that sometimes we are the only things we have to lean on to get through a rough patch. I am thankful to have him as my husband and partner. I am excited for the future change we will experience together. I am excited to teach our children to embrace the unknown and sometimes there really is a silver lining in those dark cloudy days. My life is not perfect but I know that I have all I need to keep going with a smile on my face!

Speaking of change, little Paxton is now big enough where I can feel him kicking in my belly. Oh what a good feeling it is! =)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Update on the Pluids

In 13 days our little girl is going to be ONE YEAR OLD!! I just can not believe how fun and crazy and unexpected the whole experience of being a parent has been. If you have read my blog posts before you will know that it has not necessarily been the easiest journey but it has by far been the most wonderful thing I have ever done! I have a fun party planned on the Sunday before her birthday to celebrate with our family and and a few close friends and am hoping that she will have fun and not be too overwhelmed by the madness! I will take lots of pictures and share the day of the event after it passes =).

I am now 18 weeks pregnant and we have recently found out that we are HAVING A BOY!!! I thought Josh's jaw was going to hit the floor he was so shocked! I can not believe that we are lucky enough to have one boy and one girl! I am due January 4th but since I had a c-section with Harper, I will be having another one with baby boy Pluid and will most likely have him right after Christmas around the 27th or 28th. Kind of a crummy birthday but I am very excited to be big and pregnant during the fall/winter with boots and leggings and sweaters instead of in this ridiculous heat. Plus I will not feel guilty (as if I do anyway) stuffing my 8/9 month pregnant self with all the yummy holiday food!!! Josh and I have been having a difficult time deciding on a name for this little boy! I had about a million girls names that I had on a list but for some reason boys names are not peaking my interest as much. The name that we both like the most is Paxton Joshua Pluid. I like the alliteration of the P's. Paxton Pluid....cute huh?

I can not believe I am only 2 weeks away from being 1/2 way finished with being pregnancy. Yet this go around has been much harder on my body. I have gotten sick 3 times from strep throat, colds, throwing my back out, etc. which is very uncommon for me. I am never ever sick! The past few days I was having terrible stomach issues but fortunately today I feel back to normal....yet Harper is now sick with the sneezes & snots! It's always something isn't it?

Lastly I will give an update as to what Harper is up to these days. Mostly for my benefit so I can remember since I am oh so good at updating my blogs hehe =)

*Last doctors visit she weighed 20lbs 7oz and was 27" tall
*Loooooooooves books.
*She now hands things to us and gets great joy out of it, unless its something she really wants and then she plays a sneaky game where she holds it out and then snatches it back as I go to grab it.....she thinks shes pretty funny.
*Plays peek-a-boo by bobbing up and down or hiding under her blanket
*Starting to put together words that we can understand such as: bye bye, baaa (sheep sound), bow wow wow (dog sound), night night, mama, dada, nana (banana), wuv woo (love you), hahahaha (mocks my laughing) & screeches with joy anytime she sees a picture or actual animal.
*She can point to when I ask her where it is: her belly, foot, leg, head, closes her eyes, heart and on occasion her ear, and waves byebye.
*She is obsessed with this Step 2 kitchen my dad & stepmom gave her and plays in that all the time
*She loves it when we chase after her to tickle her and she tries to scurry away
*Cruises all over everything & crawls like a mad woman. She has not had much interest in walking since she has become so confident in crawling
*Eats just about anything & everything

Well that is about it for now. I am sure there is much more but I won't make this post any longer than it already is!

3 years of wedded bliss

On our 3 year anniversary at The Arcadian Inn Bed & Breakfast!

I had the pleasure of planning Josh & I's anniversary fun this year. Usually he is the one that comes up wit a plan or surprise but I asked to take over this year and I feel as if it was a success! We wanted to do something fun & simple so I asked my mom to watch our sweet little Harper for the night and booked us a room at the Arcadian Inn Bed & Breakfast. Neither of us had stayed at a bed & breakfast before so it was a fun new adventure! When we arrived to check in they had a chalkboard out front welcoming us with our names on it. Then we went to check out our room and it was so pretty & quaint. We got dressed & ready for our dinner reservations I made for us at Signature Grill. We had been there one time before and it was such an unbelievably yummy experience! It is definitely a special occasion type of restaurant with the prices but for foodies like us, it is well worth the money! We sat and talked at dinner for quite some time so we ended up calling it a night after we ate. The next morning the owners of the Inn brought in the most delightful breakfast ever!!

I had one more surprise planned for us & had a couples massage scheduled to come and give us the massages in our room at the Inn! It was a perfect way to end our small getaway celebration!