Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How much longer???

Harper at 15 months!!

I had my second Dr. appointment this morning since I have been in KC. I am going to be 33 weeks along tomorrow which means I have another........6 weeks to go! AHHHHH it seems like an eternity! I am not sure my body can handle another month and a half of this baby boy doing his damage. My boobs are huge and resting upon my gigantic belly, I have a cankle on my right leg (due to a sprain not pregnancy), my belly button is literally non existant...its not an innie or an outie, it has become one with the rest of my stomach and is flush against the skin. I am pretty sure we have created a karate kid with the jabs, kicks, and nudges I have been receiving all day and night with this little guy. Harper was breech for so long that she only was able to kick me in certain spots but this guy he likes to stretch out and crazy kick all over my insides. I can even feel him pushing on the sides of my body which is oh so bizarre. Now don't get me wrong I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to meet my little Paxton and I want him to take all the time that he needs to get strong and healthy so he is ready to meet the world but boy oh boy am I ready to hold him in my arms and get him out of my belly!!

At my appointment I mentioned that I thought he was a big guy and when the doctor measured my belly she said that he was measuring a few weeks ahead of my due date. If he measures the same way at my next appointment then we will most likely have to go in for an ultrasound to check and see if we need to get him out earlier than expected. So far he is going to be here sometime around the week of the 26th-30th! My little holiday baby boy =). I am a December baby as well so he will NEVER EVER receive a joint gift combining Christmas and his birthday. Oh no he will get the same treatment as if he had a summer birthday and will get a whole day of celebration for the beautiful person that he is!

We had a baby shower this past weekend and it is all starting to settle in that I am going to have another teeny tiny newborn again. Opening gifts of these little bitty newborn onesies, socks & diapers just makes me so excited to have a little cuddly baby around. Harper is definitely too much of a busy bee to really stop and cuddle with me as much as I would like. But she is just SO fun that I don't even want to stop her crazy running around because she is just hilarious! She is really starting to talk A LOT...... some random jibberish but surprisingly many real words. Her being able to communicate with us helps her to not get so frustrated when she wants something! As much as I can get frustrated with our pets these days (barking during nap times, teaching her that it is fun when she drops her dinner on the floor so they can eat it, and trying to steal her stuffed animals as toys of their own) I don't know what she would do with out them! They are pretty much the excitement of her days, besides when dada comes home. When she wakes up in the morning one of the first things she says is "kitty cat?" and looks around for him because he is usually waiting near her door to join in with waking her up. She follows Zoey our dog around all day long poking her and petting her probably more than she would like! She is such a fun little girl and I cannot wait to see what Paxton is going to be like. Maybe this time a little bit of me will rub off on him because Harper is 100% Josh from her looks to her personality....but that's okay because I kind of think he is the greatest anyway. =)

Hope everyone has a great week & I will give an update when we figure out the day of my c-section! =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home

So this is the new place!!! I have not blogged in quite sometime due to the craziness of being now almost 32 weeks pregnant and running around chasing my crazy mobile toddler. Oh, and the fact that I was packing packing and packing for a few weeks to prepare ourselves for our move to a new home, in a new town and even in a new state!! Yes I said state! If you know me you are probably thinking, yeah right she would never move away from good ol' OK. But yes in deed my friends, I am now a permanent resident of Overland Park, Kansas.

Josh had a new job opportunity arise that would allow him to get out of retail!! No more weekends, no more night time closing shifts, AND HOLIDAYS OFF?!?!?! I am not even sure what to make of that one yet. I was fortunate enough to have my first retail free holiday season last year but it was not the same with Josh still participating. Yet now we both get to sit back, relax, and enjoy 4 days off during Thanksgiving and a nice 3 day weekend for Christmas!! As long as everything continues to go smooth with my pregnancy then we plan to pack up the family and celebrate Thanksgiving in Oklahoma with our families. However since baby boy is due only 10 days after Christmas we will be staying here and having a small Pluid family of 3 celebration. Just a few days after Christmas we will be lucky enough to see all the family we missed because baby boy Paxton will be joining us and everyone will come up our way (so everyone keep your fingers crossed that the weather treats us nice so our Okie family can drive up here!!)

So far our transition with our new town and our new home has been pretty much seamless. We enjoyed our short 9 months in Duncan, OK and the biggest reason I was sad to go was the fact that I got to see one of my best friends Katie and Harper's BFF Keller, every single day. Not many people get the joy of living so close to a friend and having their kids get to play and love each other! Katie has been a true blessing in my life. She will know things about me that no one will ever know or understand. She has been there for me through some of the most difficult times as well. The day I went to say goodbye to them was definitely the most emotional time I had. BUT, I am now looking forward to having "girls weekends" and meeting up with her with no kids and having a great excuse to shop, pamper and catch up!! =)

So the fun part about being in our new town is that we definitely feel as if it is a perfect fit for our personalities. Josh and I love to go out and try new restaurants and get involved with fun community events. Overland Park has so much to offer with festivities and fun kids events and the simple fact that I could literally walk to Target from my house makes me such a happy girl!! I am pretty sure I have made up for not living in a town with a Target in just the few weeks I have been here. We absolutely love our new neighborhood which has lots of families and young kids. We were drawn to this area because of some friends we knew and worked with in Oklahoma that moved here a few years ago and raved about how much they loved the neighborhood & all their neighbors. I can literally walk to the elementary school, the park, and the pool from my house! We are definitely going to get use out of our little red wagon this next summer.

Well that is all the rambling I am going to do today. I will post more house pictures as I get the rooms all completed and pretty =). I'm trying to get that done as quickly as possible so I can have a few weeks of relaxing before baby boy arrives! Ahhhhh I can't wait to meet him!