Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Growing Pluid Family

my little water bug

This summer is hot! I know that it is hotter than normal & my apologies go out to all my friends who are 7 months pregnant and due in August because I am SO thankful that it is not me this time! However our big news that we did find out recently is that I am actually pregnant....AGAIN! Yes I said it. I am with child and due January 4th 2012. This was a very unexpected surprise and honestly I was in denial in the beginning but once we finally go to go to our doctor here in Duncan and see our little Lima bean on the ultrasound I fell in love all over again. Now I am not saying that all my nervousness has been thrown out the window because it definitely has not. Especially over the past few days while Harper has been dealing with 3-4 new teeth breaking through and has been extra fussy, napping poorly, and more accident prone it makes me realize everything I will be having to face again. I will have to be up in the middle of the night, working on cry it out to establish a nap routine, starting to breastfeed all over, work extra hard to get the baby weight off. There are a lot of things that I would not necessarily say I am looking forward to BUT then I think about how every morning I wake up so excited to go in Harper's room to wake her up and have her quickly scurry to the crib and pull herself up and to see that sweet goofy big tooth smile and my heart melts yet again that morning. Overall I am very excited & I know it may be a bit crazy for a year or two but it will be so fun to have them hopefully be best friends and close to each other since they will only be 16 months apart!

My sweet Harper is 10 months old now and is learning and growing so crazy fast. Some of the things she is doing now is:

Cruising all over the furniture
Waving bye bye
When I ask her she can point to her leg, belly, heart, head, ear
Can put her arms up when asked
Can sign to tell me she wants "more" or "all done" when eating
Pulls herself up on any and every piece of furniture possible
Learning to say bye bye, duck, and baa (what a sheep says)
Always says dada and mama
Obsessed with books. I read the same 3 books probably 10 times a day...at least
Loves watching her Your Baby Can Read video
Eats pretty much anything
Feeds herself peas,bananas, bread, green beans, etc.
Knows how to ham it up to strangers
Talks/yells/babbles constantly. She loves to hear herself
Pets the animals

Well I have so much more I wanted to say but looks like those teeth are bothering her again and she has woken up early sad from her nap so I will cut it short this time and hopefully write some more this week.

making a blueberry mess sucking on frozen blueberries to help her sore teeth =(