Monday, September 12, 2011

The human garbage disposal

24 weeks of growing Paxton Pluid...

Harper is napping away and I was a bit bored and tired of constantly cleaning the house so I decided to take a few photos of the grooooooowing belly of mine! I have not done a great job of documenting as I did round #1. I of course feel HUGE, but when I look back on facebook around the same time I am pretty much the same size which makes me feel a whole lot better =).

I am finally in the state of pregnancy where I do have energy and feel pretty darn good. I have my bouts of emotions here and there and I am definitely becoming a human garbage disposal. This past weekend was basically equivalent to Christmas for my husband because football has begun. I could honestly care less about the game but it is a fantastic excuse for me to bust out the junk food and binge eat because that is what you do when football is on.....right? Yesterday morning I wanted to run to the store to grab a single can of pumpkin because I found a recipe on Pinterest to make homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte's! In this tiny town of Duncanville we unfortunately do not have a Starbucks and so I wanted to make the little fall time treat at home =). Well $80 later lets just say we had enough food to feed ourselves for an entire week...yet I was planning to eat it all in a day!

My meal plan yesterday consisted of:


A giant cinnamon roll (shared with Harper & Hubby of course!)

Biscuits and gravy


An entire Totino's pizza


Yogurt pretzels


Ham & Beans with Cheesy Beer Bread


Pecans Pralines and Cream Ice Cream

HOLY MOLY did I really just admit that to you guys?

Well lets just say that I enjoyed every delicious and unhealthy bite of it and did my best to not watch any football =). Paxton seemed to enjoy it as well because he was moving like crazy last night! We were able to see the movements going on in my belly instead of just feeling them, pretty crazy! The best part about the whole shopping trip to the store was that I ran into my pregnancy baby doctor so she was witness to my unhealthy eating habits. Hopefully she does not think that is what my daily food intake is like!

p.s. I just realized that I have gone 24 weeks of being pregnant with out eating a single Oreo. What is wrong with me?!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Holy cow I am raising a GIRL!!!!!

Do not allow this cheesy smiling, tomboy acting, spitting image of her daddy fool you. She is indeed a girl! Today has definitely caused me to realize that I am headed down a road full of unbalanced emotions, tears, and craziness! Yesterday we had such a fun day filled with laughs, smiles, happy baby on the other hand is as if a switch has been flipped and the evil emotional Harper has risen. Goodness gracious the tears are coming from literally NOWHERE! I can not leave her side for more than 2.5 seconds without an emotional breakdown coming out of this super cute little 21 pound being. Now its not the cuddling kind of day where she doesn't feel good and wants to be sweet. It is the crazy kind of sad that reminds me that the teenage years are going to be looooooooong! All that being said she is still of course the cutest little thing ever and when I do get those brief moments of smiling or laughter when tickling her it makes all the craziness okay. But just for the record... women are crazy! =).

Well gotta go, the monster has woken 45 minutes early from her nap =).