Friday, April 5, 2013

32 reasons I am glad Josh was born.

Why I am thankful you were born JP...

  1.  I'm going to start this all superficial but basically because you're nice to look at! =) I think you are so handsome and love that you continue to get cuter and cuter every year. NOT FAIR!
  2. You're so witty. Sometimes I know that I ignore your humor because it can be crude or in bad taste but overall your wit amazes me. You really did miss your calling as a comedian
  3. Your ability to teach me new things every day. Basically you're smart. Like way smarter than me when it comes to book stuff and I love learning new things from you
  4. The fact that I can literally only be mad at you for like a minute. You have the ability to make me laugh/smile even when I may not want to! 
  5. That you always always push me to do things I may not think I want to or can do. I really need that in my life and I appreciate your trust that I can do more.
  6. Your sense of adventure. I love all the fun trips and outings and events you bring to our lives. 
  7. Your eyelashes. I love that you passed on those beauts on to our kiddos too. Not fair to me but they sure compliment your amazing green eyes! 
  8. Your style. You always look so cute and put together without my help
  9. Your breakfast making. You're quite good at french toast my love, maybe we can put those skills to use this weekend =).
  10. Your thoughtfulness and consideration. You always know when I need a little extra TLC even without me saying so 
  11. Your love of popcorn. No explanation needed
  12. That you love my family as much as I do. 
  13. For being an amazing father to our two crazy kids. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to parent with
  14. For still, to this day, making me a clumsier person that I ever thought I was because I still get nervous around you! Kicking over telephones, spilling salad dressing at restaurants, whatever it is I get all school girl clumsy around you! 
  15. For the fact that I still get giddy when I see that you are calling or texting me and even more so when you've sent me an email!! 
  16. Because I would have never known my love for deviled eggs if I had not met you
  17. For the fact that you make me feel special and loved every day
  18. Because you justify buying baby Pumas for Paxton (that I never could have done) knowing that I would be head over heels in love with how freaking adorable they are on his chubby feet!
  19. Because you find it equally funny when we hide behind corners to scare the kids
  20. That you accept me for all the strange quirks I have and embrace it
  21. That you have the yummiest lips ever
  22. Because I fell in love with you over a package of sharpies
  23. Your amazing ability to recall every sporting event and date at any moment. Your photographic memory is simply crazy
  24. You have helped me break out of my bubble and move to places I never thought I would move to! 
  25. The way you get jealous when I am obsessed with a book and don't pay enough attention to you
  26. Because you're a lover of good food and make going out to eat an adventure
  27. Because I love your family
  28. The fact that you grocery shop with me
  29. The fact that you can find a way to justify spending money on crazy things that you can always find a way to talk me in to as well.
  30. For your dancing skills. Always gets me laughing
  31. For the amazing friendships you create and the wonderful people you have brought into my life
  32. And last and certainly most important: because whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I love you so very much Joshua Pluid. I am so lucky to have you in my life forever and I hope you have felt a little extra special today. We think you're the BEST!!! 

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