Thursday, December 15, 2011

Birthday Bliss

So I had the pleasure of spending the majority of my birthday with this little cutie and she must have known it was a special day because she was on her extra best and happy behavior! I truly did have the absolute best birthday ever! I am pretty sure though I say that each year but the more I think about it I believe that each birthday has been the best ever. I am at a different place in my life each time December 14th rolls around and my family and friends always seem to know just what I need to make me feel so special. Especially Josh! This year I have been a bit preoccupied with all the fun of Christmas ideas I have and with the thought of meeting my little guy so soon that I have really been much less consumed with my birthday as I normally am. The thing that is so fun about my husband is that it takes everything in his will power to keep a present if he gets it more than a day or two before the event/holiday. Therefore, I received one of my gifts early which was my new camera lens (hence all the fun pictures I have been taking lately). I have been wanting a wide angle lens for quite some time but never wanted to spend the money on it. He somehow managed to keep it at his office for over a week but broke down the night my parents came up so I could use it over the weekend (which I was super happy about!) Then yesterday he surprised me with yet another gift, which I really wasn't expecting, and it was such a pretty silver/lacy/glittery (haha where do you think I am going with this.................?) MAKE UP KIT, that looks like a jewelry box! I'll try and remember to take a picture of it because it is so lovely. It has sooooo much fun stuff in it and it was just the thing I needed without me knowing that I really wanted it! How does he do that? Plus he ALWAYS manages to make me cry with his sweet cards and letters he gives me. I am such a lucky gal to have a husband who is so thoughtful and kind!

Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family. My parents always made me feel so special (part of it being because it was so close to Christmas). There were never "joint presents" or anything that tied my birthday in with the upcoming holiday that everyone loves. When I was younger my parents introduced me to the "birthday fairy". I would make a wish at this fountain in our mall and tell the birthday fairy what I wanted. Somehow she always heard me and surprised me with my wanted gift. One year, my parents set up a video recorder in my bedroom and positioned it towards my bed. All of a sudden magically a new bike appeared out of thin air on to my bed?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That was the cooooooooooolest thing that could have ever happened! It was the most amazing thing I had seen in my entire life. I am sure I told the world about it too. Also, my parents would fill the living room or my bedroom with streamers and balloons and decorations so when I woke up my house was all prepared for my special day. I cannot wait to do these things for my kids as they get older =). I really have some awesome parents!

So Harper and I decided that we should go to Target and buy some fun things to finish up our Christmas shopping & prepare for Pax-man's arrival. The little guy will be here in 2 weeks from today and I still needed some essentials and he needed some cool threads to wear when he is born. I have been much less consumed with buying him clothes which was very apparent when I was gathering together things for the hospital and he didn't really have much to wear! Ahhhh! So below are some pics of the cuuuuuute things I picked up at Target so he can look handsome and be warm....

Every little guy needs a skull and crossbone onesie right? And I loooooove the little long sleeved multi colored striped onesie with the little yellow dinosaur on it & we are Okies so he had to have a pair of camo pants =).

The little blue hats were made by my Aunt Vi along with a cute little blue blanket to match. I cannot believe a little tiny head is going to even fit in it!!! Then the rest are some fun PJ's and crazy cute suede & faux fur booties my grandma found for him! Last but not least the amazing aden+anis swaddle blankets we received from our dear friend Savannah at my baby shower for Harper. These are the BEST blankets ever!!!

The last item I picked up at Target was this super cute plastic mini reusable cup to match my giant one. Josh bought me the large cup quite a while ago and I am obsessed with it. I use it every day to drink my water and because of that it is the only thing Harper will drink water out of. After we checked out at Target I went to their Starbucks to purchase a Spiced Apple Cider because it is my new favorite treat & saw these mini reusable cups and could not resist! Now Harper has her own cup so she can be just like her mama! Aaaaaaaand to make the excitement even more exciting it was buy one get one free so she now has TWO! Lucky duck!
I mean seriously, could she be any cooler? Especially in her ensemble of polka dots and stripes? To end the day J came home and we all went out for a family dinner to eat some tasty Mexican food and enjoy each others company and then came home and watched a little X Factor. I received so many kind Facebook messages, text messages, phone calls, Iphone videos and FaceTime's from my friends and family which made me feel oh so special. Thank you everyone for making my 27th birthday the best one ever. It was perfect in every way for where I am in my life at this very moment.

1 comment:

  1. glad it was a great one :) wish i could have babysat your little 4 month old baby girl while you and j got pedi's and then we could go to peyton's place for dinner! ;) love you!!
