I will admit once I put it together that Harper had an imaginary friend, I was a bit freaked out. My initial concern was why on earth would she create a grandma? She has 3 fantastic grandmas and two super awesome great grandmas. Is she sad because she doesn't see them a lot? Is she trying to tell me something? I also was worried that maybe this is a result of her being a more shy person and she feels lonely and is creating a friend? So many things have gone through my head and I was talking about it with Josh the other night and he had no concern about it whatsoever. 'She's a toddler Brenda, she is just using her imagination." Yeah yeah yeah I get that, but what if she's that weird kid that doesn't want to socialize with real kids and make friends with other kids because she feels better with an imaginary grandma? *sigh*
Of course I enlisted the help of the internet. I searched "is it normal for my toddler to have an imaginary friend?" To my excitement it is absolutely a very normal situation and often a result of children who have an active imagination, a rich vocabulary and a great capacity for independent play. About 65% of children create imaginary friends once they enter preschool. They create them as a way to start learning good from bad and to gain some control over situations. Toddlers do not have a lot of say in their lives and with an imaginary friend they have total control over them. Having an imaginary friend is a way for a child to build a sense of security or comfort with situations. "Don't be afraid of ______, its not scary at all." What I read mentions to not make a big deal about their friend yet don't contradict her and tell her that her friend is not real or is "just pretend." In due time this phase too shall pass. Being a parent and having children is so interesting and weird and always keeping me on my toes...Welcome to the family Grandma, we will embrace you and love you for as long as Harper has you around =).
Not sure if the video I posted below is going to work or not but I had to try and share it. It's Harper singing a song she made up to Josh and Paxton when they went to run an errand. I could die from her popsicle stained face singing cuteness! Happy Thursday all! I'm off to start prepping our baked Taco Thursday night dinner! Yum!