This little ham is 10 months old!! He is so much fun and could not be any more opposite from his sister in his personality. He's crazy, rambunctious, ambitious, super happy from the second he opens his eyes and wild. Unlike Harper who was starting to crawl around 10 months he has been mobile for a few months now. He is a pro crawler, cruises on the furniture, can stand alone and loves to climb on anything possible. It is only a matter of days/week until he is walking. Having a boy is so incredibly different than having a girl. He is the definition of boy. It's funny because we seriously think he may think his name is Buddy. We find ourselves calling him that all the time and of course because Josh and I call him that Harper does that as well and he responds to it. Therefore he is Paxton "Buddy" Joshua Pluid =). As you can see from his toothy smile he has 5 1/2 teeth right now and will bite and chew on everything. I am looking into crib protectors because I went into his room the other day and he had white specs all over his face from gnawing on his crib. Yikes!
For my personal benefit I am going to write out his current achievements since I am not a scrap booker or baby book-er (?)
* When asked to do so he can clap, waves, put his arms up, point to his head, high five, and sniff out his nose
*Climbs up the stairs at any moment he gets the chance
*Says mama, dada, nana and yaaaaaaay. I swear he said hi twice this morning too =)
*Loves to pull Harper's hair when she isn't looking
*Sleeps all night from 6:30pm-7:00am with 2 daytime naps
*Wearing 12-18 month clothes (he loves him some food)
*Loves rough housing with his daddy.
In two short month's I am going to have a one year old! I know it is going to go by so quickly since it is right after the holiday craziness. We have officially been in Kansas City for a year now and I was looking back at pictures from our first week, which was Halloween, and holy smokes look at that big belly! No wonder my neighbors thought I was ready to pop when we first moved in! Aww look how cute my little Harpie cow was. Crossing my fingers she is going to brave the trick-or-treating this year and not shy out, mama wants some candy!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I cannot wait to dress up my little princess (at Harper's request) tomorrow night and brave the cold. Once Halloween is over its time to put up the Christmas tree right? Just kidding...well, kind of. =)