Wait? What?
You say its my.......
Harper just turned two and was lucky enough to have it fall on a Saturday!! Therefore we were able to make her actual birthday an extra fun day since J is off work and all the fun things happen on weekends.
I anxiously waited for her to wake up so we could start the fun. Josh and I decorated our front room with balloons, streamers, had all her little plush friends waiting on the couch for her arrival downstairs first thing in the morning. I was not sure if she would really get in to it or not but when she saw the balloons her eyes grew wide and rushed down to see what was going on. She quickly spotted her gifts (which I accidentally forgot to wrap) and knew something awesome was about to go down. With it being early I was apparently not on my game with the camera and all the pics were completely fuzzy so you will have to use your imagination for this segment! =)
After Pax took his morning nap we took the kids to the Overland Park Farmer's market. Fresh local organic fruits, veggies, we did a little balsamic vinegar tasting of a peach and pear/cranberry flavored, watched a balloon artist create fun little animals and ended up purchasing some honeydew and a few loaves of bread. Pax was a little cranky due to a short nap so it was a tad stressful but next time we learned to bring the wagon so they can both sit down the entire time. I have this fear of Harper being stolen/kidnapped...is this just me or do you other mom's have this too? She is a really good kid where she never runs off and get's kind of freaked out in big public settings so she is always near. But I am very adamant about her holding my hand and not running off. It really causes me to be anxious sometimes when I am in big public settings with the kids. We do not have a double stroller so typically Pax is in the stroller and I have H walking alongside of me. Josh thinks I am crazy and says that it is very rare for a child to be kidnapped but I am still an extra cautious freak about it.
After both the kids took their wonderfully long afternoon naps we had our babysitter come to stay with Pax during the evening so we could take H to her very first baseball game. We were so lucky that it was bobblehead night at the K and Harper got an Eric Hosmer bobblehead!
We obviously purchased tickets for seats but honestly we did not use them except for these few pictures. At Kauffman Stadium they have a wonderful kids area where they can play on a jungle gym, race against the time of the baseball players, ride on a carousel, and much much more!
Checking out the fountains was by far one of Harp's favorite things to do. She was baffled by them and wanted to watch them the entire time.
It did start to rain on us after we had been there an hour or so but it added to the fun! We ducked under and got some cover while eating pizza, checking out her bobble head again and cheering when necessary.
I am not sure who had more fun between Josh and Harper. He explained what was going on with the game and she would clap and cheer and shout GO ROYALS! I definitely think this could turn into a birthday tradition and next year we will be able to bring Pax along with us!
Celebrating her second birthday is by far better than the first birthday, and I am sure that trend will continue with each one. We have her 2 year appointment this afternoon so we will be able to see how big and smart she is. I'll do a post soon to update myself for later in life on all the things she is doing as of now!!