Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This guy makes me smile

I am one lucky lady to be married to this handsome guy. He constantly makes me laugh (even when I REALLY don't want to), he makes me feel pretty (even when I REALLY don't look it) and he makes me feel confident and do things I would normally talk myself out of doing.

Yesterday I dropped Harper off at Mother's Day Out and went down to meet Josh for a little lunch date (with Paxton also, but he was sleeping the whole time). It truly felt like an actual date and it was just the perfect thing. We ate at this oh so delicious restaurant named Californos near his work. We were the only 2 in the restaurant for the majority of our meal, which made it even more intimate & date like! Since we now have 2 babies and quite a bit less "us" time this lunch was just the greatest thing. With being tired & busy with keeping Harper's schedule together and trying to get Paxton on a schedule as well, I find that once the kiddos are down for the night I just want to find the nearest pillow and get every minute of sleep I can. This means that J & I really don't get as much together time and I was beginning to really miss him!

After lunch I went to pick up Harper and then her, Paxton and I went to the grocery store and did a little shopping. shopping with a toddler and a sleeping baby in the carseat means that lots of "mini" trips are being made instead of big grocery shopping. There is literally no room in the basket for more than a few items. You would think the shopping cart creators in the world would think about this because I feel like most people eventually have 2 children..... and this is even with using the gigantic carts that look like "cars" so that your toddler is happy and think's he/she is driving the cart. Anyway back to my afternoon..... we finished shopping and I came home to start making a yummy dinner for Josh and myself. I had everything down pat where we ate dinner, put both kids to bed by 7:30 (yup, I am awesome). Normally I would fall asleep on the couch around 8:30/9:00ish (yup, I am lame) and set my alarm for 10:00pm to get up and feed little guy before I head off to bed but I managed to stay awake until 11:00 hanging out and watching the presidential debate with J. It was great. It was perfect. It made me happy.

On the downside Paxton had a bit of a rough night and I was up much more often than normal but still, I loved the time that was just Josh and myself. I am looking forward to the hopeful near future where Paxton is sleeping through the night (If I am lucky it will be around 7-8 weeks like Harper). Keeping my fingers crossed. I am ready to have more flexibility and quality time with my love. For now, I will embrace the little pockets of time we get, those sometimes seem to be the best anyway.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Top 10

Sleepy boy

Harper giving Paxton kisses xo
Sweet boy

Getting more comfortable with trying to hold him

Top 10 favorite moments/things since P was born:

10. The nurses at the hospital. They were awesome. They brought me pain medicine, took P away to the nursery at night so we could sleep, brought him back to me as soon as I woke up (it was like Christmas!), and they were just so nice. I feel like a few of them became my friends.
9. Being able to justify wearing my pajama pants and comfy tops all day every day. Since I am "healing" from surgery and have a scar I cannot comfortably wear jeans (and lets not kid ourselves that I can fit in my jeans anyway). Therefore, I shall stay in my leggings and cozy pants just a bit longer!
8. Not having to cook anything. We seriously have the absolute sweetest/best neighbors and friends here! Since Paxton was born and I came home from the hospital I have yet to cook a single thing. We have been eating like king's too...our friends sure know how to cook!!
7. No more restless legs at night, waking up to use the restroom 5 times, or the awful back pain! Since the little 9.21 lb. chunker was removed from my stomach the pain of pregnancy vanished. Yes I am waking in the night to feed little man, but it is much less frequent than my bathroom trips.
6. Taking self family photos with J yesterday. We had a lot of fun taking Paxton's newborn pictures and also getting in a few of the whole family. Thank goodness I have a tri-pod and also a super sweet husband who enjoys helping me with photography fun!
5. Watching Paxton sleep. I forgot how sweet it is to have this warm tiny being in your arms or laying on your chest. Watching him breath might be the best thing ever.
4. Laughing hysterically with J. I don't know what it is but certain things he says just give me the giggles. He will randomly say something that I know he finds amusing but doesn't necessarily expect me to find it as funny and it triggers something inside of me that I cannot contain myself. It doesn't get much better than to have a spouse who makes you laugh. I wish he could stay home with us all day every day!
3. Seeing Paxton smile for the first time. Josh has captured a few gems on camera but watching him smile, being it in his sleep or when we are talking to him, melts my heart. It is the sweetest little chubby cheeked gummy smile I've ever seen.
2. Cuddling on the couch with J. With my big ol' belly, the back pain and my restless legs I wasn't able to cuddle up on the couch for quite some time. The other evening we popped some of my favorite popcorn, made hot chocolate with marshmallows, rented a movie and cozied up on the couch while the little ones were sound asleep. It was a perfect night.
1. Watching Harper's love grow for Paxton. She loves to randomly give him kisses. If he is crying or upset she runs to grab his "bobby" (this is what she calls the pacifier). She is starting to want to hold him, she starts talking about him first thing when I get her up in the morning, if he is crying in his room she runs up there and starts knocking on the door to get in, and she helps me pull up his shirt when changing his diaper. Watching their love grow is more than I could have ever imagined. My life is seriously perfect. I could not ask for more.